All sales benefit the Crawford County Historical Society & Museum. You may buy these books at the museum or have them shipped to you. Email, mail or call us for shipping costs. We accept personal checks and cash, but not credit cards.

Celebrating 150 Years – A History of Cuba, Missouri (2008)
$50 plus postage
Covering 150 years of Cuba’s history, this book is reference tool, a family heirloom, and a must read for native Cubans and newcomers alike. 280 pages of history and old photos like this one.
Missouri State Basketball Champions – Cuba High School 1931
Front row: Cecil Markly, unidentified, Melvin Dorf, unidentified, Oran Stewart
Back row: Bradford Markly, unidentified, Don McCann, Arthur Eads, Coach Don Fox

Recipes with History (2007)
$15 plus postage
A pleasure to read from cover to cover. Filled with recipes, old photos and fun. Don’t miss recipes like Squirrel Dumplings, from page 83.
Squirrel Dumplings
Prefer a plump red squirrel (more fat). Skin it and soak overnight in salt water. Next day, wash off, put in fresh water in large pot. Cut up onion, salt & pepper, carrots & celery. Boil for 1 1/2 hours. remove squirrel and other ingredients. Put 1 c broth aside & cool at room temperature.
In a large bowl; 2 c flour, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking powder, add cold broth to mix dough with. Spread some flour on a board & roll dough out thin. Bring broth back to just under a boil. Then slice dough in long sections & cross ways about 3″ and drop into broth. Once all in, put fire down to simmer with lid on, 15 min. Remove lid and simmer 7-10 min. more.
Squirrel can be basted with salt & pepper & butter and put in oven for 15-20 min. Good with dumplings.

Moments in Cuba’s History (2007)
$1.50 plus postage
A short version of Cuba’s history packed with photos – like this one of the Gold Star Boys mural.